Are You Ready To Lead Change?

Leading Change: 6 Essential Questions for Effective Leadership

Are you ready for CHANGE?

As the leader of change you need to be 100% engaged with the change yourself before you can engage others and lead them effectively. It all begins with you!

Before ‘diving into action’ and announcing the change to your team, slow down and get crystal clear about ‘the change’. 

Here are 6 questions to deepen your thinking and clarity of your change:  

  1. How is this change aligned with the vision of the organisation? 

  2. What will life be like when this change is successful? 

  3. Who is impacted the most? The least? 

  4. How will our customers experience the change? 

  5. What are the barriers and obstacles you foresee? 

  6. How will we know we are successful with this change – what are the measures? 

Answer these questions and you will become so much clearer in your thinking about the change, which in turn, will influence your approach, including how to communicate about the change in a way that engages your people. It’s hard to lead change when you aren’t clear yourself! 

What questions do you ask yourself as you plan for change? 

Get in touch to learn more about how we can support your and your people through change.


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